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Joey Herzfeld Band - Table For One - cover art.jpg

Joey Herzfeld

'Table for One'

The new album

Out now


TC EBTFWW cover art.jpg

Tom Conway
'Europe Before the First World War'

Out now

Joey Herzfeld Band - Slowly Melting


6th April - Protocols @ Louis Marchesi - The Brickmakers, Norwich

feat. Protocols, MARLA, Mices and Mr. Ad. Infinitum

3rd May - Beltane Festival - Klabang Camping, Suffolk

feat. The Vicars of Stiffkey + more

4th May - Beltane Festival - Klabang Camping, Suffolk

feat. MARLA + more

Record of Previous Events (click here)

Off with their Records Playlist

Listen to our artists here for free on our exclusive playlist powered by Wix Music 

Under Destruction

As of January 2024, Off with their Records is undergoing major restructuring. We're moving to Bandcamp and we're completely changing our web infrastructure. It doesn't sound like it but this is actually all very exciting stuff as it represents a significant change in the way we operate. Funnily enough, some of these changes are a return to the original ethos and modus operandi of the label. Over time I have tried various new developments as well as made moves to adapt to cultural currents, the change was good and has served us well but it's time for more changes and the original principles of the label still stand tall and guide those changes. One significant return to the past is that we're moving our website back to Tumblr. This has been made possible by the fact that Tumblr stopped peddling in porn so it's now a viable choice of website that won't get filtered out by people's browsers. Which is great because Tumblr is free! None of this will explicitly affect you, dear fan, but everything will look and feel better. More real, more DIY. 

Thanks for your continued support, follow us on Bandcamp and Instagram bookmark to stay up to date with Norwich music.

Featured Video

MARLA - Átök

Released 02/12/22


After much work it's finally here: "Everything You Heard Before Could Have Been Better". Celebrating 20 years of Shane O'Linski, a leading light in Norwich's vibrant music scene, this documentary was a labour of love that persisted through tricky times. Featuring interviews with The Neutrinos singer Karen O'Reilly, Will Teather, Ideal Surreal's Sean O'Neill, Chad Mason, Annie Catwoman, Joey Herzfeld and of course Shane himself plus loads of lovely music. Download includes audio footnotes, soundtrack, info PDFs, and 171 amazing flyers chronicling 20 years of Norwich gigs. Download it from our shop for just £3.

As 2020 falls away like a leaf from a tree, 2021 begins to bud in its place. And what better way to bookend it than with another one of our irregular Off with their Records podcasts.

I talk about how musicians can operate during the pandemic, a brief explanation of mechanical copyright, I play a Yellowhammers track and hit you with some news about what we've been up to in 2020 and what we'll be getting up to in 2021.


Our activities have slowed temporarily during lockdown 2. Technically, as a business we can still operate the same as we could during the 3-tier system but we're showing a bit of extra respect by deferring elements of our work to limit our contact with others as much as possible during lockdown. It is quite annoying that the tier system only came into effect on October 14th and then lockdown 2 was enforced less than 2 weeks later just as we were getting to grips with it but we press on in the noblest way we can.

The documentary we are shooting in conjunction with Ideal Surreal is into the editing stage. Still a little bit of shooting to do once we've identified the gaps but it's progressing nicely. Follow us on Instagram to receive more regular updates.

The Joey Herzfeld album is progressing slowly, we will drop another single soon. Listen to the current single 'Inside' to get a taste of this magnificent album.

Yellowhammers are back in the studio as soon as possible recording their new album. Recording began at the excellent 'The Crunch' recording studio last month. Fans will be excited to know we're working with Magoo drummer, Stacy Gow, to bring another diverse, experimental art-rock opus. Check out the first mini-album, side A streaming for free exclusively on our website, full album available on CD, download and cassette from our store.

Off with their Records are thrilled to be aiding a 3rd party on a major archival project to record basic demos of the entire monumental back catalogue of our hallowed musical guru Mr. Shane Olinki. This archive of nearly 1000 songs will be available for all to listen to for free and even though the project is only 3% of the way through his absolute genius is already reaffirmed in my heart as it is so often. If you're not acquainted with Shane you can find his albums with Bavarien Rocket Groop and The Vicars of Stiffkey to buy and stream on our website. He also has a pretty good Bandcamp page and an incredibly produced album out on Tontena Music.

Our mountain of music continues to grow, I have a lot of exciting stuff waiting but not relying on my attention, I wish I had more time to get to it, or some help doing it. Any producers or anybody looking to get into the business of a record label I'm always open to job applications, contact me about anything on

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